*Special order.  Please call or email to discuss.

﷯﷯Coral’s are not the only thing that will benefit from our EMP Blend. Now your baby fish can start with the same color-enhancing pellets that gave the worlds-famous “Rod’s Onyx” clownfish their awesome color. Our mini-pellets are marinated in a solution of astaxanthin, beta-carotene, AND extra omega fatty acids. Our pellets are not simply top dressed. The fatty acids act as an emulsifier for the beta-carotene and astaxanthin to bind to the pellets. They are frozen moist and revert to pellet form when hydrated. The beta-carotene and astaxanthin are not only color enhancers; they are also high in antioxidants to help keep your reef healthy and thriving. Ingredients: Micro-pellets, astaxanthin, beta-carotene (D,salina) Specifications: Maximum moisture content: 53.68% Minimum protein: 27.4% Minimum fat content: 10.25% Maximum fiber content: <0.2% Maximum ash content: 6.01% Our pellets are available in different sizes.
200-500 micron for the very tiny mouths, and 500 -1000 micron for those slightly larger. Package Size: 2-oz. package EMP BLEND Specs: Feeds: Corals, juvenile fish, and other fish with small mouths. Contains: High protein mini-pellets enhanced with color enhancers and omega fatty acids. How to feed: Thaw/hydrate in small amount of tank water and pour into high flow area. Or spot feed corals.

15100 Illinois 23

DeKalb, IL 60115


Phone: 815.748.2141

Fax: 866.480.9342



rod's food